@Article{ Benavente_LEÓN_FERICHE_Schoenfeld_BONITCH_ALMEIDA_Perez-regalado_PADIAL,

author = { Cristina Benavente Bardera and JOSEFA LEÓN LÓPEZ and MARIA BELÉN FERICHE FERNÁNDEZ-CASTANYS and Brad Schoenfeld and JUAN GERMÁN BONITCH GÓNGORA and FILIPA ALMEIDA and Sergio Perez-regalado and PAULINO PADIAL PUCHE } ,

title = { Hormonal and Inflammatory Responses to Hypertrophy-Oriented Resistance Training at Acute Moderate Altitude },

journal = { International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health },

year = { 2021 },

volume = { 18 },

pages = { 4233- },
