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R. Ortega-Rodríguez, P. Padial Puche, F. Almeida, J.G. Bonitch Góngora
M.B. Feriche Fernández-Castanys,
"Effect of the pull-up grip width on maximum strength, power-force-velocity profile and number of repetitions to failure", Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport
, -10, 2020
A. Pérez Castilla, A. García Ramos, P. Padial Puche, A.J. Morales-Artacho
M.B. Feriche Fernández-Castanys,
"Load-velocity relationship in variations of the half-squat exercise: Influence of execution technique. ", Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, vol.34
, 1024-1031, 2020
K. Tomazin, V. Strojnik, M.B. Feriche Fernández-Castanys, A. García Ramos, B. Štrumbelj
I. Stirn,
"Neuromuscular adaptations in elite swimmers during concurrent strength and endurance training at low and moderate altitudes", Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
, -, 2020
C. Benavente Bardera, M.B. Feriche Fernández-Castanys, B.J. Schoenfeld, J.G. Bonitch Góngora, B.D.L. Fuente Caynzos, F. Almeida, R. Ortega-Rodríguez
P. Padial Puche,
"Acute moderate altitude effect on metabolic response after a hypertrophy-oriented resistance training session", "XII Simposio Internacional de Fuerza y Proyecto Ironfemme", None-None, 2019
F. Almeida, J.G. Bonitch Góngora, P. Padial Puche, B.D.L. Fuente Caynzos, M.D.C. Calderon Soto
M.B. Feriche Fernández-Castanys,
"Effect of ascent and training at moderate altitude on elite judokas performance ", "XII Simposio Internacional de Fuerza y Proyecto Ironfemme", None-None, 2019
M.D.C. Calderon Soto
"Entrenamiento en altura.", "XVII Congreso de la SEMAM", None-None, 2019
M.B. Feriche Fernández-Castanys
"estrategias de entrenamiento de la fuerza en altitud", "II Congreso Internacional en Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte-Huesca ", None-None, 2019
M.B. Feriche Fernández-Castanys
"Estrategias de entrenamiento de la fuerza en altitud", "II Congreso Internacional en Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte-Huesca ", None-None, 2019
SICA last updated: 10/01/2024